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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

the first day of "work"

so we've been telling cope that he, at the ripe ol' age of 5 weeks, has to go to work to help support the family. he had an interview with the wife of one of dad's co-workers. it seemed like a good fit, so he was hired. monday was his first day. he got dressed, car pooled with dad, and spent his first day at work while mama missed him terribly at her first day back at work. it was so hard to be away from him! it was hard for dad too, because he liked to call mama a few times during the day and hear what cope and mom were up to. mama talked to his boss lady at noon and she said he was doing a good job. when mama picked him up at the end of his day, the boss said that cope didn't foof all day at work, but that he had eaten like a champ. mama and daddy talked to cope about how it is ok to foof at work, that he didn't have to be embarassed in front of his boss lady if he did foof his britchens, and that they were really proud of his performance on his first day.

on his second day of work, cope wore his favorite camo outfit and mom was able to pick him up early because of a doctors appointment, which helped her a bunch. they hung out all afternoon together. today was cope's 3rd day of work and we are all getting it figured out. we miss him terribly during the day and i think he grows while he is at work! i think being apart during the day just makes getting up at 3 am to feed him a little easier because we get to sneak a little time together. i love him so much!

cope's first easter

the easter bunny left cope a basket early on easter morning. when he woke up from his nap with dad, he was really excited about it. now he has a piggy bank to put his first money in... his aunt melanie sent him a 2 dollar bill in his easter card. if he is anything like his dad he will probably invest it and have enough money to pay for college by the time he's in kindergarten. we put on his baby's first easter outfit that nana bought him and went to the local farm supply store where cope had some pictures taken with the bunnies and chicks. it was a busy day, but we had a good time. the next day mr. cope had his first day of "work" and he was pretty nervous about it, so we went to bed pretty early.

Friday, March 21, 2008

back to work

boo hoo! i have to go back to work. so does cope...or that's what i've been telling him anyway. i told him that he got a job and that he has to go there now monday through friday. we talked about his nice boss ladies and how all he has to do at work is be a good boy and that mama and daddy will miss him really bad while he is there. he went for his "interview" last week and the ladies who will be taking care of him thought he was really sweet and oohed and aahed over him so that makes me feel good but i am going to miss him like crazy. i'm jealous of how much time they will get to spend with him! i guess that's part of my little guy growing up. he has graduated to his big boy bed, he is outgrowing his newborn clothes, and he is already 1 month old... he'll be dating and off to college before i know it.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


mr. cope was visited this weekend by his grandaddy, granny diane, and great grandmother. they got along famously, and cope was particularly sweet on his great grandmother.

he also got a visit from his buddy nick and his buddy weston who must have been a little bit hungry when he came to visit!
at the end of all his company, copeland told mom that he loved his visitors, but that dad was still his best buddy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

genius cope

just when i thought i had it figured out, cope showed me otherwise. he managed to pee on me twice today within about 20 minutes. we were nursing and stopped to change a diaper. as i leaned over him to reach for the diaper bag i got it. not just a little trickle on the leg, but a shower on my face. i was thrown off by the massive amount of pee and it took me minute to figure out what was going on... so i laugh and tell the little guy that his trick was pretty funny. i called dad and told him about it. he thought it was pretty funny himself. cope and dad had a good chuckle over it and i took stock of what fundamental mistake i made that allowed me to be so vulnerable to my 3 week old and his schemes. i neglected the cover up. i know better. ok.. i won't make that mistake again. so we finish nursing, and during the meal toot toot made some toot toots in his pants (hence the knickname). so we go to his room, lay on the changing table and get ready to change his foof britchens. that's what he calls them. so just as i unstick his tabs and pull back the diaper to assess the foof situation.. he pees on mama again! 2x in a course of 20 minutes. he's either a genius trickster or his mama underestimated him. and he does all of this with his i love mommy onesie on. he is going to have a good sense of humor i think!

other recent tricks include foofing on my sweatshirt and jeans yesterday, and somehow convincing his dad to be his naptime buddy (ok..that one was pretty easy).

Monday, March 10, 2008

cope is so stinkin cute!

dad and cope are best buddies.
mama couldn't resist taking a picture of her man's sweet behind after his bath.
mr. cope's umbilical stump finally fell off! he was so excited he fell asleep about the whole situation.

cope got these cute slippers from his great aunt joby. i think mom and dad like them a little better than he does!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

figuring it all out

so cope has learned how to spit up. i think he just wants to wear several outfits a day and this is the only way he knows how to tell me! we went to the doctor and cope weighs 8 pounds 9.6 oz, which means he has gained back all of his birth weight (8 lbs 8 oz) and then some. he is the best little guy and he's figuring out his sleep schedule. we've had a few rough nights but overall i think we are doing pretty well. he slept like a champ last night. it is going to be so hard to go back to work! i love every minute of the day with him.

Monday, March 3, 2008

mama llama loves her baby llama.
cope went to his first restaurant this weekend. we went to shady grove in austin. cope had formula. daddy is so proud of his little guy! nana and cope are big buddies too.

mr. cope has been growing like a weed. he's strong as an ox. he's only 2 weeks old and he has already grown out of some of his clothes! we go back to the doctor tomorrow and my guess is that he is a good 9 1/2 pounds. we'll let you know where the scales tip.