Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 21, 2009

18 months old

my pal is now a year and a half old.. we went to the doctor and he's getting really tall (75%ile), but he's also slimming out (25%ile in weight).. here he is on the big boy scale.. no more naked baby seat scale.

he eats like a horse, but he also play play plays all day long which is why he is slim, i think. here he is going after some "cookies" in the pantry.

he also loves balls more than anything in the world.. he basically loves whatever dad has, including his golf clubs.
he is talking up a storm and loves to tell me what kitty cats, dogs, duckys and cows say. but ball is his favorite word! He also loves to help.. here he is helping with the recycling.
basically, our best little pal who is so busy and growing so fast. you can't blink or you'll miss something.

1 comment:

Shanda said...

You seemed to know exactly which paper you wanted out of the recycle bag didn't you buddy? You are so busy I don't know how Mommy can even slow you down long enough to video you. Love and miss you all! Have a fun weekend!!
Nana and Papa