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Sunday, June 20, 2010

the river and friends

my pal is loving the river. we found a little spot about 10 miles from our house with slow, warm, shallow water and it's my pal's new favorite place. he loves to throw rocks, the bigger the better! his favorites are the ones that are so heavy that he can only lift them while they are underwater. when he gets them to the surface, they are too heavy and i have to help him. he says "heavy!". we have also learned that he loves to go underwater and you have to stay right next to him because at first he hadn't figured out that he can't stay underwater indefinitely.

yesterday cope had some pals over for a little play date and all the kids are growing up so fast.. they will be the georgetown varsity football team before we know it..

1 comment:

Shanda said...

I think you are going to be a little "water bug" for sure!! Glad you and your buddies had fun playing. Your Tonka truck is almost as big as you! Dad loved his Tonka trucks and equipment too!To tell you the truth.....I think he played with them until almost jr. high!! LOL
It was fun Skyping with you! We loved hearing about your shapes (especially the "Ovaaalls" and "rocktangles").
We love you all and can't wait for your visit!
Nana &n Papa