as it gets closer to baby time, my pal and his dad have been hanging out together having boy time a good bit..
daddy and cope taking a family nap (i started on the couch next to cope but the baby takes up too much room so i had to relocate to the bedroom!)
cope and his new favorite toy..
when we couldn't find my little buddy the other night at 10 pm but could hear him snoring.. we ultimately found him under his bed!! we had to literally move the bed to get him out from under there and put him to sleep..
and of course cope and dad spend a lot of time outdoors together.. they definitely have that in common.
my pal has also been practicing his sharing and friendship skills.. here he is at a party with his pal chloe and his treats that he has grown to love (another trait he picked up from dad).. he actually picked up a cupcake off the ground (footprint and all) and started chowing down before we got it out of his hands!
1 comment: look fabulous!! Love all the pics!! Little man is growing up way too fast!! Can't wait to see what this new little one will look like!! Getting so excited about seeing you all!! Can't wait!!
Nana & Papa
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