my buddy is a crawling machine. he's fast. he is also getting to be adventurous and will explore rooms that we aren't in! he is so kind to pause for pics for his mama, though..
we were going to go to the pumpkin patch this weekend but it was hot outside so we just took some pics at home depot in the shade! this was saturday, the day mizzou got destroyed by texas.. but my pal is a true fan and he wore his mizzou black and gold proudly.
sunday i picked my pal up a new sweater at target. i was worried that it might be too small so we tried it on when we got home. well he could care less about the sweater but he LOVED the tag. he shook it and chewed on it and slid around on it while he crawled with it under his little paw. i felt guilty cutting it off! he put it on for work this morning and i'm pretty sure he had forgotten all about it; or at least i tell myself that!
You are an adorable little pumpkin yourself!! Love your Mizzou overalls!! Such a busy little fellow.
Love and miss you all.
Nana and Papa
He's finally old enough for....the "swiffer sleeper". Just put on a fleece sleeper and let him crawl around on the hard wood floors, they'll be clean in no time.
Love you,
Aunt Mel
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